What did I need, then?
In the early stages of my career as a junior designer, I recall being in awe of the leaders who commanded the room. Their presence was not only inspiring but also deeply influential in shaping my aspirations to someday stand confidently at the forefront of a team, leading with autonomy. As I reflect upon those days, I find myself pondering essential questions: "What did I need, then?" and "How could I have better supported my younger self in the pursuit of becoming a self-assured design lead?"
What I have come to understand is that I needed a support system, opportunities for hands-on experience in leadership roles, and an environment conducive to the open exchange of knowledge and skills. Furthermore, I longed for the reassurance that my mentors and leaders had themselves traversed a similar path.
These reflections have underscored two core beliefs that now drive my approach to leadership: firstly, the significance of providing others with the support and resources I once sought, and secondly, the unwavering conviction that every individual deserves the opportunity to explore leadership roles and chart their own course.
My commitment to empowering others stems from a profound understanding that leadership extends beyond merely taking the lead; it involves cultivating an environment where everyone can develop and grow as leaders in their own right. It is during these pivotal moments that I transition into the role of leading from within the team or even from behind—a concept I expand on in “Everyone, leading from all sides” essay, (Coming soon).
Central to my philosophy is the notion that fostering camaraderie within the team is paramount. We must recognize that each member possesses the capacity for growth and evolution, much as I did in my own journey. This concept resonates deeply with my vision of leadership—a vision that extends beyond personal success and encompasses the collective growth of the team.
In my dedication to empowering those around me, I have come to realize that leadership is a multifaceted endeavor. It involves not only providing unwavering support and guidance but also creating opportunities for growth and development. My journey reminds me of the importance of offering team members the chance to step into leadership roles, no matter how small, as a means to hone their skills and build confidence.
Furthermore, the creation of a nurturing environment that promotes the free exchange of knowledge and expertise is pivotal. Just as I benefited from leaders who openly shared their insights and experiences, I strive to foster a culture of open communication and collaboration.
Equally important is the need to acknowledge that leadership is a journey marked by challenges and uncertainties. To this end, I make a conscious effort to share my own experiences and struggles. By doing so, I aim to humanise leadership and make it more relatable, underscoring the idea that we all encounter obstacles but can overcome them with perseverance.
To somewhat contradict what I have written above, a counterargument. I've come to realize that there's a crucial nuance in the realm of empowerment. While asking myself “What did I need, then?, it's equally essential to recognize that what I needed back then might not be precisely what some of my team members require today. In this context, the diversity of individual needs within a team becomes a paramount consideration.
Each team member is unique, with their distinct aspirations, strengths, and areas of growth. As a leader, it's incumbent upon me to appreciate and respect these differences. While my years of experience may have been invaluable to me, I must acknowledge that the same experience may not hold true for others. This recognition calls for an open-minded and adaptive approach to design leadership.
In moments where my personal experiences may not align with a team member's needs, a different set of skills comes to the forefront: curiosity, listening, and unwavering support. These qualities become the bedrock upon which personalised and individualised relationships with each team member are built. Taking the time to truly understand what motivates, challenges, and drives each person is an investment that pays dividends in their growth and development. I discuss this a little further in my essay titled Self-interest.
Curiosity serves as the catalyst for asking the right questions and delving deeper into the unique aspirations of each team member. It's about being genuinely interested in their journey and understanding their goals. This curiosity creates a safe space for open dialogue, where team members feel comfortable sharing their ambitions and concerns.
Listening is the next crucial element in this equation. It's not merely hearing the words spoken but actively absorbing and processing the information shared. Effective listening enables me to discern their individual needs, challenges, and ambitions. It fosters a sense of being heard and valued, which is foundational to building trust within the team.
Unwavering support is the cornerstone of a leader's role in these situations. It means standing by each team member's side, providing guidance, resources, and encouragement tailored to their unique journey. It's about offering a helping hand, whether in the form of mentorship, training, or simply being a sounding board for their ideas and concerns.
Building personal and individual relationships with each team member becomes imperative to truly understand what it is that they need to progress toward their goals. These relationships create a sense of camaraderie and collaboration that empowers every team member to flourish on their terms.
My journey from a junior designer to a leader has indeed shed light on the essential facets of empowerment and the ever-evolving nature of leadership. While my personal experiences have undeniably shaped my leadership philosophy, it remains paramount to acknowledge the diversity of needs within the team. By forging personal relationships with each team member, we empower them to navigate their distinct pathways to success. In recognizing and honoring these individual journeys, we cultivate a resilient, united team that thrives collectively while pursuing their unique destinations. "What did I need, then?" serves as a powerful starting point, reminding us of the importance of understanding and supporting each team member's quest for growth and achievement.