British Airways
Completed at: forpeople, London
Location: London, Great Britain
Role: Information Architect, User Experience Designer, User Interface Designer
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British Airways is a full service global airline, offering year-round low fares with an extensive global route network flying to and from centrally-located airports. British airways undertook a digital redesign project in 2015 with the focus of making it easier for users to find the information they need, plan their next trip and manage their bookings. I was bought on-board as a contractor to collaborate, map user journeys, design and rollout the Extras area of the booking process.
Competitor analysis and requirement gathering
Working alongside the Strategy Director and an Experience Designer in daily sprint sessions, we collaborated closely with the client to establish the project requirements, priorities and technical logic for the project.
I completed a thorough analysis of the existing competitive landscape to establish opportunities and patterns of such areas within a booking flow. After investigating these flows and discussing new ideas for improvements, we got sketching and created a war room where we were to compose customer journeys and the order for which a user would embark on each of the areas.
We began the practical application of our design thinking with a very hands-on, collaborative wireframing session with paper and markers. We covered all Extra areas and then checked each of them off against the requirements gathered from the previous session to ensure we had captured the business goals and all the necessary commands the user would need to get through their journey with ease.
These sketches were then converted into digital wireframes for presentation purposes and clarity.